To commemorate the 40th anniversary of Mobile Suit Gundam, a commemorative book titled “Mobile Suit Gundam 40th Anniversary Commemorative Book” featuring the history of Gundam 40 years in one volume has appeared!
It is one of the definitive editions of all 40 years.
● Four key visuals from the “Mobile Suit Gundam 40th Anniversary Project” will decorate the cover!
● Includes "How to make Gundam" and "Music of Gundam"!
In addition to the history of the series 40 years, in addition to the "how to make Gundam" which introduces setting images and original drawings from how to make animation,
Includes "Gundam Music" that summarizes the theme song of the Gundam series and the 40th anniversary of the play.
● Posted in colored papers sent by more than 80 staff and cast members
We celebrate the 40 years and publish the colored papers sent by the related staff and cast!
[Product content]
1 Mobile Suit Gundam 40th Anniversary Official Book
[Product material]
paper[Product size]
A4 size 56 pages